Saturday 15 October 2011

Emotional and social intelligence of scattered disc objects

Scattered disc objects with low aphelion are related to emotional intelligence, which is orientated to oneself and the inner emotional processes. The emotional intelligence implies a sharp consciousness about the emotional process and the ability to regulate it in a effective way. The self-knowledge and the self-regulation of emotional processes allow to find a response appropriated to the emotional stimulus and perform a behavioural response appropriate to the situation.The self-motivation generates an emotional boost that leads activity, making easy to reach aims. (Daniel Goleman, 2001; "The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace")

Emotional intelligence ("Little Miss Sunshine", 2006)

Scattered disc objects with high aphelion are related to social intelligence, which is orientated to relationships. The social intelligence implies social consciousness that allows to recognize other's emotions;  social abilities that help other to regulate their emotions in order to obtain a desirable response, and the ability to motivate and inspire others in the attainment of the aims of the group. (Daniel Goleman, 2001; "The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace")

Social intelligence ("Timson Cride", 1995)

Inner Oort cloud objects are related to spiritual intelligence, which is orientated, not only to inner emotional processes and social human kind relationships, but all kind of creatures and forms of life at Earth and their evolutionary process.

"The Iron Giant" (1999)

Beyond the Kuiper belt:*
  • 50-55 AU: scattered disc objects with very low aphelion
  • 58-65 AU: scattered disc objects with low aphelion
  • 70-85 AU: scattered disc objects with medium aphelion
  • 90-130 AU: scattered disc objects with high aphelion
  • 150-300 AU: scattered disc objects with very high aphelion
  • 400-2000 AU: inner Oort cloud objects

Saturday 13 August 2011

Dharma, the spiritual intelligence of the inner Oort cloud objects

Dharma is the spiritual intelligence that takes responsibility for the evolution process of every living creature, as well as for oneself, like Kirikou in the movie "Kirikou and the Wild Beasts" (2005). Dharma is the 'action rightly guided'.

This spiritual knowledge is based on life experience at Earth gained through many lives (number 9 quality).

Related book: "Creating Good Karma: Release Your Karmic Burdens and Change Your Life" (Nevill Drury, 2003)

Tuesday 19 April 2011

High artificial intelligence of classical Kuiper belt objects (cubewanos)

Classical Kuiper belt objects are also called 'cubewanos' (pronunciation of Q-B-1), the name of this category derived from the provisional name of the first classical Kuiper belt object discovered: (15760) 1992 QB1.

According to dynamical systems theory, classical Kuiper belt objects are limit cycle attractors, because they evolve to a periodic state on the long run. The action keeps repeating in each cycle, increasing the number of elements and its complexity (like in the myth of Quaoar), but without modifying the initial scheme, like the repetitive sound "PA-O-PA ... TUN-TUN!!" of the song "Nostromo" (Zerotonine, 2002). 

"Nostromo" (Zerotonine, 2002)

The Kuiper belt  has a range from 31 AU to 49 AU. Classical Kuiper belt objects (cubewanos) are free from resonance with Neptune; those who have the perihelion around 40 AU and the aphelion around 45 AU are related with computing and artificial intelligence, wich is based in the binary code (1-0; true-false; yes-no;...).

"Star Trek" (2009)

The distance of 40 AU is related to automatic processes, were some action keeps going or starts by an authorized request, while the distance of 45 AU is related to selective processes, were some action stops or a request is denied.